Peter O'Toole and T.E. Lawrence would most likely not approve of my lax reference to Lawrence of Arabia given I have not had the same success on a grand scale to unify Arab tribes as he had.
Added to the fact that I am not even in Arabia. I have, however, previously lived there and even paid homage to Lawrence by visiting the Baron Hotel in Aleppo, Syria in 2010. Lawrence reportedly frequented the hotel as did Agatha Christie. The place is like a relic from another time-peeling paint, creaky floors and the dingy smell that a building from the 1800's can acquire over the years. I doubt the hotel would even be standing if it weren't for it's famous clientele that came there in its glory days.
In this picture at the Baron Hotel, I'm at the bar holding some gin in honor of Lawrence. Aside from the stereotype of all Brits loving gin, I know for a fact he drank gin by taking a look at his bar tab also on display in the parlor across from the bar.
So in sum, the URL will remain the same, I tossed around the idea of starting a new one, but there's just too much history on this one to start fresh. Plus let's face it, I'll more than likely be returning to Arabia once again in the future.