The Color Red

If you have ever seen one of the Kill Bill movies you are for sure familiar with Beatrix Kiddo scribbling down the names on her 'Death List 5'. What you may have not noticed, was that she writes those names in red ink. The significance of this is a Chinese superstition that a name written in red means you will die.
I made this mistake in class when I was explaining a grammar point on the board. I was using a red marker and without thinking, wrote a child's name on the board with the red ink. Realizing what I had done, I tried to quickly erase the red Jeremy that was on the white board; however it was too late. A terrified gasp swept the classroom and one girl even said, did you see what teacher did? I apologized and told them I really didn't mean it...I don't even believe in this but I still felt very guilty for potentially having a child killed.